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Want to learn the best strategies for helping babies sleep? Read my latest articles!

The Sweet Dreams Blog

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Find your way around 

It’s the time of the year when the big kids have returned to school, and daylight has been slipping away a few minutes each day. The weather feels like summer one day and autumn the next. My summer flowers were fading, so I planted mums in their place. I also added a few pumpkins to […]

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Newborn sleep, or lack of it, is a very hot topic amongst parents of newborns. There is an abundance of information on newborn and baby sleep in books and on the internet, which presents a challenge for sleep-deprived parents of newborns! I will share all the information you need and how it relates to setting […]

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Get to know me

I remember how it felt to be a new mom - in awe of my precious little one. Excited. Nervous. And simply drained. 

But guess what? I got through the newborn period, and you will, too.

If you are ready to find customized solutions to your newborn's challenges, click the button below.

Pediatric sleep consultant, postpartum doula, and mom of two

Meet Sue

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Trust me: you don’t want your baby to hit this point. If you notice any of these seven signs, it’s time to put your baby to sleep — NOW!

7 Signs Your Baby Is Overtired

the free guide